
Kevin Aall
Director London Speaker Bureau, Norway

Sokrates Alexiades
Architect engineer
fmr Secretary General of Urban Zoning & Environmental Planning
fmr Secretary General of Urban Zoning & Environmental Planning

Panayotis Bernitsas
Managing Partner Bernitsas Law Firm
Associate Professor of International Economic Law
Associate Professor of International Economic Law

Evangelos Carokis
Ambassador a.h.

Hary Coccossis
Urban Planning and Environmental Planning
Urban Planning and Environmental Planning

Catherine Economou Demeter
Envoy Extraordinaire
for the Foundation and the "Nisyros Dialogues"

Zenon Eliades
Entrepreneur, Cyprus

Elias Gounaris
Diplomat, Ambassador a.h.

Aristeidis Kalogeropoulos - Stratis
fmr Secretary General for European Affairs, MFA

Fuad Kawar
Entrepreneur, Jordan

Moschos Korasidis
Agronomist, MSc MBA in Agribusiness
fmr Secretary General Ministry of Rural Development and Food
fmr Secretary General Ministry of Rural Development and Food

Aikaterini Lalaouni

George D. Lebesis
Writer – Creative Producer

Jeffrey R. Olesen
U.S. Senior Foreign Service Officer, Ret
U.S. Senior Foreign Service Officer, Ret

Leonidas Raptakis
Rhode Island State Senator, USA
President of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association
President of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association

Charles Ries
Ambassador (Ret.)
Adjunct Senior Fellow Rand Corporation
fmr US Ambassador to Greece
Adjunct Senior Fellow Rand Corporation
fmr US Ambassador to Greece

Raed Al Rifai
fmr Ambassador of Kuwait to Greece
fmr Ambassador of Kuwait to Greece

Konstantinos Triantis
Founding member
Biology Professor
CEO, Natural Environment & Climate Change Organization
Member of the Academia Europaea
fmr Special Secretary for Water at the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change
CEO, Natural Environment & Climate Change Organization
Member of the Academia Europaea
fmr Special Secretary for Water at the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change

Dimitris Tsitouras
Lawyer - Art Collector